Tuesday 3 July 2012

Day 230 Tuesday Hong kong/Manila, Art exhibition

Recently in many airports, there are art and cultural activities, it's actually quite well done-
In hongkong, near gate 40, there is an exhibition on "glimpses on hongkong"- a mini history of hong kong and its cultural roots

Day 231 - Monday - Hong Kong, Nature in the City

Beautiful day in HK so we took a walk in HK park , HK park is a park in the middle of the city , it even has a zoo and aviary... Think central park and 1/10th of it .,

HK park entrance from pacific place

friendly reminder!

a little pond 

green space among skyscraper city 

 Thank you for the calming nature 

Monday 2 July 2012

Day 232 - Sunday - Hong Kong, 15 years handover celebration

July 1, 1997 was the big deal for hong kong . It was the day the british returned the island to china rule. There has always been democracy vs communism- 15 years fast forward- seems all ok.. Life goes on.
It was my first time to join public celebration in hong kong.

Fireworks galore ( photos)

May freedom continues in hongkong 

Thank you for the entertainment !

Monday 25 June 2012

Day 239 - Sunday - Hong Kong/Dallas

After 24 hours , I arrived Dallas. 
Will be here for the whole working week and will take the time to find something positive post each day!

Candyland and trash tabloids,
very USA!
While waiting for my transfer which I missed and boarded 2 planes later due to technical issue, I caught up with my Japanese tv drama final episode!

Its called kimi ni mo ichido propose- there's recently a similar story line in hollywood movie.but of course this being trendy drama ala Japanese style, the nuances is not like Hollywood style at all.. Its still cheesy but Its executed very japanese . It's quite a slow paced drama in the beginning but at the final episode the message is clear.. Normalcy is happiness.. Happiness is not by only excitement but it's the daily routine of daily life..

And when things get tough, you deal only one thing at a time and not all at one time...

Unexpectedly, this tv drama was not only entertaining but it has give me encouragement and the message when I needed most! Arigato ! I wonder what's the next message !

Sunday 24 June 2012

Day 243 to day 240, Hong Kong

243 wed  hong kong
242 thur hong kong
241 fri hong kong
240 sat Hong kong

The blue week continues!
Continuing blue affected work a little.., not very good :(
Probably feels better from sat ...

We went to Kowloon for dinner- sometimes it's good to have another perspective of HK- just for life.

( photo) HK from kowloon

Thank god another week is over!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Day 245 & 244 - Singapore

245 Monday Singapore 
244 Tuesday Singapore

Went to visit dr for follow up to failed ivf. I thought I had a closure and moved on. Dr was so kind and I felt hope ., what does it mean? 

For 2 days now, I am going though sleepless night,, what do I want ?

Monday 18 June 2012

Day 246 - Sunday - Singapore

I started my blog in Singapore .. Hoping to get to motherhood as a destination.. Over 110 days , my dream is still in making...

It's a shock and confusing feeling, when a very close friend who had been trying conceived .. I am happy but the way it was announced taken me aback , so questions raise up for me? What does this mean for you.. What's universe presenting a challenge for me.. I suppose like a lot of things in life, I will only know later.. Ganbatte !

Sunday 17 June 2012

Day 247 - Saturday Hong Kong - Singapore

It's been 3 months since I last back in Singapore, great to be back to spend time with family..despite so many flights .. This is quite worth it... 

Saturday 16 June 2012

Day 255 to 248 - From Hong Kong to Hong Kong via shanghai and taipei...

255 Friday  hong kong
254 Saturday  hong kong 
253 Sunday hongkong - shanghai 
252  Monday shanghai
251 Tuesday shanghai
250 Wednesday shanghai - Taipei
249 Thursday  Taipei 
248 Friday  Taipei- hongkong 

9 days flew past. Refreshed myself in hong kong, before to meetings in shanghai and Taipei.

Various dinners as highlight ;

Picture: Thai at shanghai

Picture : du xiao ye @ Taipei 
Taiwanese food Since 1894

Others Lynn , shanghainese at shanghai , aoba at Taipei ( best oyster omelet) 

This is actually the first trip that I enjoyed many local foods!

Appreciate that!

Friday 8 June 2012

Day 256 - Thursday - Hangzhou / Hong Kong

After 3 days mostly indoors, we took a long walk by the lake before heading off to hongkong..

Hot,humid but refreshing !

Thursday 7 June 2012

Day 257 - Wednesday - Hangzhou

Another day at conference ..

Lots of discussion, lots of food  and a nice foot massage to end the day!

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Day 258 - Tuesday - Hangzhou

Alternative to west lake.. Fragrance lake .. Xiang hu

Hangzhou has many lakes, and of course its a very good idea to have restaurant with lake view

We went to one tonight.

Beautiful lake pictures... You can forget where you are... Not the busy polluted China for sure 


Tuesday 5 June 2012

Day 259 - Monday - Hangzhou; All day meeting

The last time I was in Hangzhou was last year for sightseeing. It's famous for the west lake .
My very first visit to hangzhou was 5 years ago but things have changed a lot and new development still going on..

This time, for our conference, we stayed in a hotel slightly outside the tourist area and you can see that development is equally fast around any area..

Photo( From hotel)

Monday 4 June 2012

Day 260 - Sunday - Hong Kong - Hangzhou

Last minute shopping in HK Airport 

Hong kong airport is super convenient. Need to get last minute present for a colleague who had gave birth 4months ago. 
Look what I got!

Sunday 3 June 2012

Day 261 - Saturday - Hong Kong, Date day

We had a typical date activities today- movie, beach, dinner !

1- Movie
2- Beach ( beautiful day!)

3- Dinner ( expensive but good sushi!)

Saturday 2 June 2012

Day 262 - Friday - Hong Kong; Les ailes du Desir

Enchanting dinner at French chamber of commerce gala dinner.

It was a showcase of French luxe.


Michelin star dinner from pre catalan

Elie Saab fashion's show

Balais de Monte Carlo

Thursday 31 May 2012

Day 264 - Wednesday - Hong Kong

A call away..

As part of a regional job, I spend quite a lot of time on the phone!
Meetings are held with our us counterparts either late nite or early in the morning.

So our house phone needs to have office phone function like speaker and mute function , with good sound quality .

Of course we try to find a more house friendly looking Rather than office looking.. This is what we found... 

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Day 265 - Tuesday - Kumamoto / Hong Kong via Haneda

It must be the good food, good friends and good sleep- I felt so rested and refreshed when I woke up this am, albeit - I woke up at 10am!

Indeed Kumamoto is a beautiful city with fresh air, fresh food and great people!

Kumamoto city with famed Kumamoto castle at view
Fresh seafood
Typical japanese breakfast

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Day 266 - Monday - Tokyo / kumamoto

Ohayo !

Did you know that the talk of town is the newly opened sky tree- a new tower In asakusa - it's like Tokyo tower. It's about 600 m and does definitely stand out when you are flying in from haneda, or around the downtown area.

Many souvenirs feature sky tree like cookies, books, postcards etc and  including how to save 100,000yen in sky tree piggy bank? 

Monday 28 May 2012

Day 267 - Sunday - Hong Kong / Tokyo

A hop away

After 18 hours flight, 3 hours flight to Tokyo was really a hop away!

I arrived in haneda for the first time and from haneda to aoyama by taxi was only less than 30 minutes.. Of course it was Sunday but still half less than narita! It's such a happy feeling because there's so much to enjoy in Tokyo!

At 230 pm we are already in aoyama and so we are able to enjoy a nice outdoor lunch, shopping and walk in the city , Musuem visit , drinks and dinner with friends! What a fun and refreshing way to spend time with friends!

Sunday 27 May 2012

Saturday 26 May 2012

Day 269 - Friday - Up on the air

Snoozing most of the time.. Catching up the lost sleep and a bit in twilight zone in the world clock .

Well Dallas is 13 hrs behind HK, sf is 2hrs behind Dallas, so Sf is 15 hrs behind HK.

Flight from sf to HK is 14 hrs . My flight took off at 1am on friday so i have lost my 9  hrs to the time change!

What a short Friday! 15 hrs worth..1 HR waiting for plane to take off does it count?

Happy Friday!

Friday 25 May 2012

Day 270 - Thursday - Dallas/Hong kong

HK-sf- Dallas- sf-HK: all in 96 hrs on which  40 hrs is traveling time, I wasn't in the mood to accept many things.. Lack of sleep is the root of all bad mood!!!

I was annoyed by the sounds of digital tools- why do people need to play their game with the music for everyone to hear! There's silent mode.. And that's why I applaud the Japanese . In Japan, it's called manner mode- you put all sounds in silence at public for the consideration of others - especially for someone like me who barely had 12 hrs of sleep in 96 hours!

Thank you to put on manner mode!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Day 272 - Tuesday - Hong Kong / Dallas

Long trip.

After 17 hrs more or less, I finally arrived hotel and hit the sack ..

Snooze... 630 am call!

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Day 273 - Monday - Hong Kong

Found a relaxing spot in the middle of the city! Island shangrila poolside!

It does feel tropical and with the nice breeze tonight - it feels almost hawaiiana!

Monday 21 May 2012

Day 274 - Sunday - Hong Kong

Another view of HK

We had an out of town guest staying with us over the weekend. It's refreshing to have out of town guest because we will tend to do different routine . 

Brunch was at Four seasons poolside .. We were lucky to catch some drink before it rains !

Fantastic sunset

View from the Four Season

View of the storm coming on ICC

Sunday 20 May 2012

Day 275 - Saturday - Hong Kong

Milestone birthday

A good friend birthday at domani's. Tasting menu with

13 courses, 6 wines including a 1962 wine ( year of birth) 

what a joy to celebrate !

Photos of Menu

Saturday 19 May 2012

Day 276 - Friday - Hong Kong

Already Friday?

This week flew by. To treat ourselves, we went to a Japanese robatayaki in central . Zawa Zawa 

A little kill bill feeling with excellent kushiyaki! Yummy, and great way to end the week!!!