Thursday 31 May 2012

Day 264 - Wednesday - Hong Kong

A call away..

As part of a regional job, I spend quite a lot of time on the phone!
Meetings are held with our us counterparts either late nite or early in the morning.

So our house phone needs to have office phone function like speaker and mute function , with good sound quality .

Of course we try to find a more house friendly looking Rather than office looking.. This is what we found... 

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Day 265 - Tuesday - Kumamoto / Hong Kong via Haneda

It must be the good food, good friends and good sleep- I felt so rested and refreshed when I woke up this am, albeit - I woke up at 10am!

Indeed Kumamoto is a beautiful city with fresh air, fresh food and great people!

Kumamoto city with famed Kumamoto castle at view
Fresh seafood
Typical japanese breakfast

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Day 266 - Monday - Tokyo / kumamoto

Ohayo !

Did you know that the talk of town is the newly opened sky tree- a new tower In asakusa - it's like Tokyo tower. It's about 600 m and does definitely stand out when you are flying in from haneda, or around the downtown area.

Many souvenirs feature sky tree like cookies, books, postcards etc and  including how to save 100,000yen in sky tree piggy bank? 

Monday 28 May 2012

Day 267 - Sunday - Hong Kong / Tokyo

A hop away

After 18 hours flight, 3 hours flight to Tokyo was really a hop away!

I arrived in haneda for the first time and from haneda to aoyama by taxi was only less than 30 minutes.. Of course it was Sunday but still half less than narita! It's such a happy feeling because there's so much to enjoy in Tokyo!

At 230 pm we are already in aoyama and so we are able to enjoy a nice outdoor lunch, shopping and walk in the city , Musuem visit , drinks and dinner with friends! What a fun and refreshing way to spend time with friends!

Sunday 27 May 2012

Saturday 26 May 2012

Day 269 - Friday - Up on the air

Snoozing most of the time.. Catching up the lost sleep and a bit in twilight zone in the world clock .

Well Dallas is 13 hrs behind HK, sf is 2hrs behind Dallas, so Sf is 15 hrs behind HK.

Flight from sf to HK is 14 hrs . My flight took off at 1am on friday so i have lost my 9  hrs to the time change!

What a short Friday! 15 hrs worth..1 HR waiting for plane to take off does it count?

Happy Friday!

Friday 25 May 2012

Day 270 - Thursday - Dallas/Hong kong

HK-sf- Dallas- sf-HK: all in 96 hrs on which  40 hrs is traveling time, I wasn't in the mood to accept many things.. Lack of sleep is the root of all bad mood!!!

I was annoyed by the sounds of digital tools- why do people need to play their game with the music for everyone to hear! There's silent mode.. And that's why I applaud the Japanese . In Japan, it's called manner mode- you put all sounds in silence at public for the consideration of others - especially for someone like me who barely had 12 hrs of sleep in 96 hours!

Thank you to put on manner mode!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Day 272 - Tuesday - Hong Kong / Dallas

Long trip.

After 17 hrs more or less, I finally arrived hotel and hit the sack ..

Snooze... 630 am call!

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Day 273 - Monday - Hong Kong

Found a relaxing spot in the middle of the city! Island shangrila poolside!

It does feel tropical and with the nice breeze tonight - it feels almost hawaiiana!

Monday 21 May 2012

Day 274 - Sunday - Hong Kong

Another view of HK

We had an out of town guest staying with us over the weekend. It's refreshing to have out of town guest because we will tend to do different routine . 

Brunch was at Four seasons poolside .. We were lucky to catch some drink before it rains !

Fantastic sunset

View from the Four Season

View of the storm coming on ICC

Sunday 20 May 2012

Day 275 - Saturday - Hong Kong

Milestone birthday

A good friend birthday at domani's. Tasting menu with

13 courses, 6 wines including a 1962 wine ( year of birth) 

what a joy to celebrate !

Photos of Menu

Saturday 19 May 2012

Day 276 - Friday - Hong Kong

Already Friday?

This week flew by. To treat ourselves, we went to a Japanese robatayaki in central . Zawa Zawa 

A little kill bill feeling with excellent kushiyaki! Yummy, and great way to end the week!!!

Friday 18 May 2012

Day 277 - Thursday - Shanghai / Hong Kong

One fine day

I woke up to a blue sky shanghai! 
It just makes me happy and smile when it's blue sky - especially in shanghai! Blue is better than gray!

Blue sky
Usually I stay in this hotel!
So I never got a good look.
it's quite refreshing to see
the hotel from this angle!
Shanghai famous fried dumplings

Thursday 17 May 2012

Day 278 - Wednesday - Shanghai

Good night goodies!

Hotels in China is always trying to please . In this hotel, extra touches including good night gifts

First nite : photo chopsticks
Second nite: photo panda kitchen
I suppose theme is China souvenirs!

Thank you hotel!

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Day 279 - Tuesday - HK/Shanghai, Sore throat & flight

Business trip to shanghai. With a sore throat it isn't fun, especially I am at job that I need to talk a lot.. Maybe this time I can practice more listening skills

Thankful for my traveling powders! The product development team is thoughtful for people on the go!

Amazing powder.
Chinese herbal powder!
Really soothes my throat!
I really felt better after few packets
Vitamin C.
This is another miracle powder.
Always a good energy booster
and anti immune !

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Day 280 - Monday - Hong Kong Art fair

Today is the starting of HK art fair.there's a buzz in the air.. With warm night , no rain ( yay! ) everyone was out in town.

I joined the crowd to see the solo show of Japanese artist , Ai yamaguchi . We had a collaboration with her 6 yrs ago.. I do miss my job in Tokyo because I got to meet and worked with creative minds of all sort..

Anyway, tonight's event felt I was transported back to tokyo and good to reconnect and see old familiar faces. Natsukashii !! Thankful for that !

Monday 14 May 2012

Day 281 - Sunday - Hong Kong; Zoning out

I must be getting old!

After a nite out ( very tame) I woke with a sore throat so canceled all plans and stayed in .. Actions: consequences I guess!

We watched 3 idiots - Indian movie which was a hit last year - touching and good! 

Sunday 13 May 2012

Day 282 - Saturday - Hong Kong; Glam HK

I have out of town guest today- it's a pleasure to dine at China club and enjoying view of hong kong. Very cosmo and "sex and the city" feeling especially a girls nite out like this !

Saturday 12 May 2012

Day 283 - Friday - Hong Kong; A something different Friday night

Usually for Friday night we will dine with friends, on our own or simply stay in.. After a week of 9to5 , I enjoy most Friday evening .. To think I can stay up late and sleep in is a joy. I love Friday nights.
I suppose with a child , it will be different but it will be really fun to have the experience to bring our son and daughter to birthday parties, pools and different discovery ...
Anyway for this Friday evening- we decided to drive to saikung for great authentic Thai food. I don't know why but saikung has great authentic Thai restaurants like may's sawasdee !
When we arrived , the tiny openair restaurant was full so we walked around the town center.. Quite compact so it's easy to walk around. 
It happened there was a temple festival  with Chinese opera! Full house! Perhaps all the saikung residents were there! 
There were laughters if children , teenage dating group, adults chatting ... It was super refreshing to see life outside soho!

Outside the chinese opera
The star
The Casting
Sai Kung Temple
The temple guardian's

Friday 11 May 2012

Day 284 - Thursday - Hong Kong; Hmm.. Lunch with Mr hong kong?

An ex colleague and I decided to meet up after 1 year not catching up. She chose a restaurant in jupiter street at tin hau. Kinda upcoming cool place ..

She has chosen this restaurant
Turned out the handsome owner was  a Mr Hong Kong and sort of famous now because he is involved in a scandalous case in which he's the lover of a mistress of a local tycoon and the tycoon is suing the mistress for cheating on him??? Bizarre, isn't it? Wait a minute ... the tycoon already cheating.. This is hong kong , I guess...

I needed a break and a sweet lilikoi iced tea is a savior ! Thankful for that!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Day 285 - Wednesday- Hong Kong; Diet?

I have a goal to lose 2 kilos and few cm around the waist for the summet!I have started with smaller portion, more sports concept and no alcohol.

It's still a practice .. But I will have to have stronger will power!

In Japan, tanita diet book has  been very popular. It's a series of recipes with only 500 kcal per meal. Theres proven within 2 weeks, many have lost weight and inches.

I may try this diet soon!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Day 286 - Tuesday - Hong Kong; Crazy day at work

Another number crunching day,  so to relieve my numbing brain. It's good to browse in lane Crawford home.

big man in sofa
Thankful for having lane Crawford within easy access!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Day 287 - Monday - Hong Kong; busy day at work today!

Went out at lunch time for dr appointment to renew insurance. The process was pretty simple. The dr goes though a series of questions and you answer yes or no. A couple of touch , here and there plus your weight and height measurements.. There you go- all done !

Monday 7 May 2012

Day 288 - Sunday - Hong Kong; Wonton noodles

I was in central for my mani-pedi session and decided to go lunch in the area.

I was in mood for something soupy with vegetables. 

 tried new restaurant which is Michelin recommended.
wonton noodles and vegetable
- hongkong typical style

Verdict - it's only 38 hkd for a meal and ladies single diner friendly , but the taste is so-so.. I prefer mak's noodle across the street!

Sunday 6 May 2012

Day 289 - Saturday - Seoul/Kong Kong; Full gym

Usually I don't stay over Friday nights for business trip , but I decided to take it slow instead of rushing to the airport on Friday evenings.

I explored the hotel gym this am and decided to start working out again. After 3 months of hibernation, I need a lot of work out and not much food. Its going to be a challenge but I look forward! Especially for a summer body!

Full service gym
Pool looks nice?
Slumber room? Wonder what is this??
It's occupied ..
Maybe I will check out next time..
Golf practice range,
and you can use the golf club!
Good service!

Thankful for home sweet home