There's a saying "everything happens for a reason", "there's a reason why you meet someone", " why this/ that happens to you".. Different ways of sayings but bottom line " lessons in life"

I have viewed life as journey that consists of different episodes  or experiences , just like a movie.. But instead of  being a passive viewer now you are one of the actors .

Everyone you meet , every thing that happened has a reason and yes! You sometimes have to choose and call the shots! There's no right or wrong, there are just lessons and experiences ..

My baby- making journey definitely makes me learn alot .. I learned about my body, all about baby making and it's terminology ( bbt, et,  eh, hccg and other abc acronyms..)
You gained new vocabulary, new knowledge such as hot/ cold food, what's really organic and what's not and various herbs and it's benefit ,.

But most importantly , I have met new people, heard and seen sad stories and inspiring stories and I finally after all these years ( 5 years and counting) this is the first time I felt that I am grateful to all had happened .. Becoz it makes me wiser for this attempt

I am on a 4th day medication ( hormone shots) and it dawned me how lucky I am .. With the past experiences, I can now look at what works and what doesn't ...

And I feel blessed with my east( acupunuture) west ( ivf) team that is helping me , and I can only be thankful of their kindness and care.

My past nurses in hk ivf center were nice and friendly but in here, I actually feel they care even though they are only doing their job.

My Acupunturist and her team is such a bunch of positive happy people.. Each time I call, there's such a tone of warmth and care and they are always happy !

These carers must have seen countless of hormonal women but they still continue to keep their passion and let us feel the care is amazing!! I would recognize them on International Women's day! Bravo and Grazie Mille for these lovely ladies!!

Photo: ivf team

Photo: acupuncture team

The last round due to Xmas holidays I don't think I was eating too well. So this time, with the advice of an old friend whom I randomly ran into and we reconnected ( you see.. Encounters are not by chance .. They are all here for you for a reason) my friend is a very inspiring woman and mother to beautiful children ( one with down's) and she had shared with me her challenging journey to conceive and to meet her son , nevertheless she strived on!

Anyways I reflected my menu that had worked in the past and my friend's advice, I am doing the "confinement " diet. Basically it's like post birth diet with lots of ginger and no cold food/ drink..

Here's my ginger fried rice.. I adapted with spinach ( source of iron)

Here's my lamb with gingered veggies ( lamb is a good source of protein ) 

Oh.. It sounds like really "heaty".. It is, so I added in an apple a day at lunch time to balance ..

We'll see if this works.. Will know tomorrow.. To know if the eggs are growing healthy ... Lol!!!just like a chicken ... Clack clack!

So , this time, I am just going to eat well and enjoy my experience wherever it may take me! One day at a time! Baby dust to all who are going through the same journey as us.. Loves!!

Today I am thankful for what I have went through and all the lessons!