Tuesday 21 February 2012

Day 364- Singapore - feels like hollidays...

It feels like officially I am on holiday from today , as today is my day 1 of our IVF (3rd and last)... 

Somehow I feel like it's a start of a holiday, don't know exactly why .. Maybe it's because I get to see the familiar Doctor and nice warm caring nurses? 

So really a holiday does not have to be in a resort?

Checking into the clinic today, feels like checking into a hotel.. See for yourself 

At the reception

At the waiting lounge

Human reproduction???

Since I am practicing to be a mommy, I accompanied my sister in law to look at a pre school for my 20mth niece.. 

The school is decorated with the boathouse theme ... 
Nice theme for kiddies room!

Nice way to display the uniform!

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