Thursday 23 February 2012

Day 362- Singapore - Art exhibition

As part of discover journey , this evening I attended Louis vuitton art talk. Today's focus is on Indonesian contemporary artists.

Do you know anything about Indonesian art? 

Well, neither do I! Today's speaker is heri dono, one of the most accomplished yet controversial artist.. He is famous for his angels( and the angels have wings but robot body) he paints based on experiences .. "it's my diary" according to dono.. He shared his experiences and vision on getting Indonesia tradition modernize .. Bold indeed..

Because he was the guest speaker, I didn't get a chance to speak to him (he was too popular) but I got to meet another artist , Hehe .. Gen y artist with 2 paintings exhibiting in this exhibition. 
He's so down to earth and real, we discussed various things including his family and newborn son!! Isn't it great to be able to discuss the art and talk about personal things?I love it because suddenly you see his work in a new perspective and it becomes more meaningful !

His work looks vaguely familiar... Think Japanese collaboration with L.V sometime ago but after chatting, I see it differently .

I also chatted with another solo attendee. Turned out that she's from  lv espace Japan.. Lovely elegant lady and she's fluent in French and english.. Found out that she went to French school for her education and we discussed what does she feel.. Japanese ? French? 

A question which I have been thinking .. What school do we send our children? French or local ? 

In my new found friend's case, it helped that her mom speaks French ,  I suppose I got to make that decision one day ...

Meanwhile , support Indonesian art - get to know them 

Fantasy islands @espace Louis vuitton Singapore . From today till June, 2012

Today I am grateful for: new encounters .. I spent almost 30 mins with each person.. They feel like old friends already.. So if you open up, so would others! 

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