Monday 20 February 2012

Day 365 - Life after 40 - hajime- the start

I have decided to start a blog ... Really out of the blue ... For a simple reason ... To rediscover myself! Inspired by bloggers, especially Ta-Chan of Jakarta love story, Kaho of Chuzai living ... They showed me that daily routine living can be fab and beautiful ! 

I had turned 40 about 15 months ago, now I am officially midlife and guess what? It comes with a lot of questions... Er midlife crisis??? 
I have been thinking of what's my life, what makes me happy, meaning of life... My 20s,30s were carefree... 
Those years were spent in Tokyo, New York and lots of travesl around the world.. And it was just follow the flow...
Then I got married in mid 30s and keen to start a family. My focus shifted to that... When motherhood did not arrive after I turned 40, I seemed to have lost my aim and have forgotten to follow the flow... And daily life seems meaningless... I hope to chronicle 365 days of my life and by 365 days, I would be able to see again the joy and meaning to each precious day... And most importantly loving my life after 40 So, come and join me in this journey.   

Day 365- Sunday- Singapore I will be in Singapore for a while, as I will start another round of ivf... Which of course I will share since this is part of my "daily" life! I had toyed the idea of coming back to Singapore to live for good and been praying for signs to see if this is the place for me to be.. So far.. No signs i.e. No job offer for hubby and I ..despite us sending words out and resumes out there we continue to shuffle between hongkong, Singapore, France, USA . 

Anyway, since I decided to blog, I think I should try to go out more.. Seeing new things and discover .. So.. I got together with my oldest friends and browsed tiong bahru area.. 

It's the up and coming neighborhood in Singapore. Bohemian chic. Old eateries and cool design shops live side by side. 

Fleas&trees: cool  and pretty preloved and unique design shop.. You can find preloved  vogue magazines, homewares , clothes to handmade clutches and accessories 

My purchase of the day necklace- thought this would go with my outfit today ?

Ending the day at Socialhaus- new cafe bar.. We had pastas, burgers and happy hour drinks at 8 as we ordered before 8 pm. Food is so-so, but it's great to catch up with old friends.. It's like a cup of warm tea in the middle of winter ?

Socialhaus - newyorkish cafe in Tiong Bahru

Today's gratitude  : friends and pretty things.. I am thankful for! Looking forward to tomorrow adventure ! Socialhaus- Fleas& tree

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