Wednesday 29 February 2012

Day 356 -Tuesday - Singapore - How to keep control

It didn't hit me until today .. ( despite after 4 iui, 2 ivfs.. The day you start ivf treatment, you are not in control anymore.. The dr,  nurses, embryologist and even the blood analysts are the ones controling your cycle, your eggs, your embryo.. And this is only  10% of the job to getting pregnant , The rest is up to the guy up there ( according to my dr)

So what can you do? Nothing much except to eat healthily and sit back, relax and enjoy the journey .. I suppose.,

I am trying to remember the 1st time , and I think it's hopeful, then went to doubt and back to hopeful.. Each cycle is like a mini roller coaster ... 

This time, I am adopting the attitude "if it's yours, it's yours" but of course keep visualizing each positive steps! 

 IVF process

Here are my top 5 companions to positive thinking ( besides this blog):

1. A guide for the advanced soul

Fill with positive and meaningful quotes that enlighten the questions you have in mind! A special present from a dear friend.. First thing I do in the morning to start the day... Kinda of like daily horoscope :)

2. Crystals therapy

A crystal guru friend conducts classes@ the reiki center@ joo chiat introduced me to crystal therapy

A) photo : chakra crystals 

B) photo: conception crystals pack

It's really easy ! All I have to is to program my intentions into the specific crystals and wish comes true. 

3. Relaxing beach walk 

feeling the breeze and hearing the waves, and enjoying the smell of jasmine.

Such power of nature !

 4. Chatting with my acupunture dr and nurses... 

They are such a wonderful bunch.. Always so smiley, jovial and telling me wonderful stories !

5. Last but not least, my family and friends.. 

Feeding me , driving me, loaning car to me,what's apping, running errands and practically work on demand :) of coz., I am on hormones ...That's pretty good excuse...

Today I am thankful for surrendering myself to law of nature.

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