Tuesday 6 March 2012

Day 350- Monday- Singapore - Monday blues..

I don't feel like blogging today... Could be the hormones, could be the hibernation, could be the wait...

I was thinking for a long time what to write... And I reviewed  my objective of this blog which was to get in touch with my spontaneity and living "now"

So I supposed its ok not to have anything  to show or share...

To keep my spirits up, I browsed the net for information on how to keep active of  " the wait" 2 weeks before preggie test...

I found some of the ideas very useful  in this link, so maybe it can be useful for those who are going through the same experience .


Today I am thankful for my afternoon massage and message from my meditation. It says: "universe, I am thankful for all that you have given me and gone through. I leave to you on this IVF outcome and waiting for the miracle. I know I will be a mother via adoption and natural... I shall wait for the day in peace ."

A friend send me this photo of her beach home view... It makes happy! Thank you dear!

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