Saturday 3 March 2012

Day 353 - friday -Singapore - A day of tests...

I could not fall asleep today because
  1. Tomorrow is the egg retrieval day.. I called it "Lay eggs" day.. Was a teeny weeny bit nervous.
  2. Bad day at La Senza.. senseless customer service... Went in for an exchange possibility but was given  the " Ma'am it's written on the receipt, no exchange"... When you asked why... The same reply! This is the best way to irritate a hormonal woman!  The Standard reply always make me feel impersonal and this one particular insulted my intelligence... It's the tone... "Ma'am can't you read, it's written on the receipt. NO EXCHANGE!! Really, what kind of respect for us over 40s???
  3. Really rude email from a colleague at 10:30pm.. This would take me a while to switch off!
Boy, oh boy! Universe sure has a way to test a hormonal , over 40 woman!

Today I am thankful for this quoteyou can control yourself but not others!

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