Monday 5 March 2012

Day 351- Sunday- Singapore - Hina matsuri... 1 day late

Yesterday was Hina matsuri, also known as doll's festival... It's celebrated in Japanese homes with little girls... Young girls are given a set of Hina dolls and on the day, wear kimonos and eat mochi, chirashi sushi and sing Hinamatsuri song...

But beware! Dolls have to be kept away no later than mar 4, else folklore has it the girls will marry late ...

We celebrated today due to my circumstances. 2 nieces and their friends make wishes for their year!

The girls played, sing and dance Hinamatsuri song through you tube ( amazing and thanks to all the generous people who post songs, shows and drama !)

Everyone enjoyed including the adults as the sake makes the head goes round and round!

It's great to have a day dedicating to the girls.  To send them good wishes and happiness for them to grow up safe and healthy. 

Our makeshift Hina matsuri - it's 7 step...
And it's paper!!!

Sushi temaki- for adults

Chirashi for kiddies

Spaghetti mentaiko- not a Hina matsuri dish but because it's pink and yummy 

Sake.. present from dear friend...specially flown from Kumamoto, 

Hinamatsuri cake. Yum yum strawberry short cake
and may all the lovely girls
grow to beautiful ladies... Not too soon, please!

Today I am thankful to have lived in Japan and could share this wonderful culture to the next generation!

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