Thursday 15 March 2012

Day 340- Thursday - Singapore - My last 2 days in this tropical island...

I started blogging to find the little joys of life And it has helped me ...I see things in more appreciation and I know I can understand the positive of gratitude journal ... Which 2 months ago a friend of mine suggested and I went like... Errr how do you do that ?? Life is unexpected , and enjoy each moment, that's why we discover and learn more ....

Of course since we are leaving here for a while, I tried to catch up with as many friends and family .. In a way to thank them for being with us in this journey!

first, I thank my darling husband ..
Who's been the staunch supporter...
He deserves the best of the chocolate

PS Cafe: Lunch at  my weekly to go cafe!
She was once my work rival,
and today she's my cheerleader!
She gives me such power and
I have to admit ( although she's younger) ..
She's kinda inspire me!

Bistrot du sommelier:
A lovely night under the cool breeze with good friends.
Conversations that flow, interrupted with laughter...

I am thankful for the dynamic and I am going to miss this! Till, next time !

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